Realty Pro Listings: 6579178
- Details
- Features
- Specifications
- Room Sizes
- Price:1495000.00
- MLS #: 6579178
- Type:
- AgentId: 1527819
- Address: 1279 Sherman Belcher Road
- City: Centreville
- Prov.: Nova Scotia
- PostalCode: B0P1J0
- Country: Canada
- Neighbourhood:
- Fireplace:No
- Acreage:Yes
- Features:Level
MSL#: 6579178
Nova Scotia
Mac Berry Farms Limited is the 3 rd largest highbush blueberry farm in NS by far on 47 acres and the oldest in NS. 33 acres are not quite mature and will continue to grow. 8 acres average 4 years old (takes 15 years in NS for a bush to mature) and 2 acres are available to plant leaving 4 acres of 3 stocked ponds and buildings. We have 40+ bushes from 1944 which produce well-if pruned properly bushes will produce for well over 100 years. Production in 2022 was 133,000 pounds plus 15,000 lost to the hurricane for a total of 148,000. The 33 acres will produce another 10,000 pounds at maturity and the 8 acres of young bushes will produce 38,000 pounds at maturity (158,000 pounds x 24%) for a total of 196,000 possible pounds (divided by 85% to convert to pints -pints are lighter than a pound) or 231,000 pints which at an average of $3/pint total sales could be $693,000. (id:7303)